Sunday, October 23, 2011

cheese all night.

[can i live here? seriously though, can i?]

last last monday, i woke up and found a note on my floor from tiff saying that she, quote on quote, decided to sleep in since it was still her birthday in america. 
yep, tiffany ann barton, ladies and gentlemen. 
i thought it was kinda funny. 
but i was also happy to have a monday buddy because i usually just chill at home work out crazily all afternoon long. we decided to go to the louvre because we had a paper for fine arts that was due on wednesday that we hadn’t started [yikes].

 i still need to go to the louvre on a day that i’m not pressed for time/wanting to race to rice and beans after class because i feel like i haven’t gotten to just wander around aimlessly [without aim]. that’s still on my to-do list. we looked at our painting, which was mantegna’s zan zeno crucifixion. 
[love this painting. but enough to write a three page paper on it? that's debatable.]

we went to check it out more in detail [because we can. for free. no big deal.] and then hurry home to work some more before dinner with the lee’s. the lee’s are our study abroad director’s family, and they decided to have small groups over for dinner every monday. 
our group was tiff, hailey, me, and sam. 

what a group!
and we had an interesting dinner: melted cheese.
[here's the baby machine. okay, actually it's the machine that melts the cheese, but same diff, right?]

 CHEESE ALL NIGHT!<--i yelled this when daryl asked me to turn off the machine that you put the slices of cheese into to get melted. it was one of those things that you can randomly remember and laugh at.
[isn't that the coolest broccoli ever?]
 anyways, they had lots of things to put the melted cheese on top of like baked potatoes, sliced ham, pickled onions, broccoli, and gherkins. it definitely was interesting, but good. not my most favorite meal in the world, but it was still good. pas mal, you know? after that, it was cookie time for michelle. 
[me in my natural habitat.]

[sam wishes she could have some of these cookies. too bad they're all miiine.]

mmmmm i ate this wanted to eat this whole plate, but i let everybody else have a turn first before i dove in chose one. 
and now for the cream: we played nertz after dinner. nertz is this extremely intense [for some aka me] card game. i haven’t played it since freshman year of college, where me and my friends would literally play it every night because we got so addicted to it. let me tell ya, i was getting’ feisty [and by feisty, i mean name calling and maybe some yelling]. i gotta remember that game for when i go back home because man, do i love it. all in all, it was just a way fun night. it felt good to be with a family that spoke american and knew what we were going through and it was just comfortable. the lee’s are way nice and i just love them.

and last, but not least, me and tiff ended the night with a little eiffel tower twinkling. you know, since it’s right by our house and all, we can go whenever we want. i’m really gonna miss having that thing in our backyard. it’ll be weird to exchange that for some mountains or whatever.

1 comment:

  1. HAWT!!...thats what you are in that 1st pic. I love it! Cheese all night sounds good at the Miller house. And I cant believe that I have never even heard of that card game, Nertz? is that was it was? will have to show me how to play it sometime. Ok? Oh and I hope you put a few little choc cookies into that luggage I let you borrow so that I might just find them later when you bring them back. :)
