Tuesday, January 22, 2013

it's a sad day when...

[there's a fox on my sweater. this isn't sad. this is awesome.]
it's the third week of school, and i'm just now getting to ordering my books online. lucky for me, they'll be here in precisely not on time for my reading quizzes this week. great, michelle, SUPER GREAT.

i really actually just want doughnuts. all the time. cake and glazed. and i will marry you if you put a dozen on my ring finger.

speaking of food, maybe i had a dream where i went to taco bell and spent $200? seriously, i'm wild. call the police because things are apparently just getting out of hand mentally. 

every time i go to my media law class, i just want to watch legally blonde. #subjectmatterjurisdiction

the darn adorable boyfriend is in hawaii all week and constantly spamming me with paradisiacal pictures that make me immediately want to jump ship. just tell me why my request to sneak on the plane with him in his carry-on was denied. i am a pleasure to travel with!

construction on the parking lot smack dab by my apartment complex wakes me up in the morning. excuse me, but if you don't stop operating your machinery, i will personally chuck a brick out of my window at your head. thank you very much.

quickly getting ready in the dark to work out only to realize in the light that you're wearing head-to-toe pink. pink-the color of pepto bismol. hopefully it won't affect my runs, badumbumpshhh!

what's more worth it: waking up earlier to wash and do your hair so it can cover your ears from the freezing cold be clean and look nice so you can make friends, or sleep in and just chuck your dirty hair into a bun/ponytail and risk your ears literally falling off in front of you?
if you really know me, you know it's a simple choice. sadly.

Monday, January 21, 2013

just some deducings from a lost girl.

i find myself reflecting a lot lately.
 i keep getting random spurts of inspiration because of advice from books or people around me.
and i can't help but find it funny that the things i am learning from them, i already know...
but i was so quick to forget them.
like a silly lost lamb or something.
how it it possible to understand something so clearly at one point and then have it become blurry to you in seemingly no time after that?
it's as if i need to write all these things down and read them to myself daily to remember them.

and please explain to me how it is possible to know or to at least have an idea of something that you want to be and become, and you even know exactly what you need to do in order to change to get there, but for some reason you just aren't doing it?
and you don't even know why.
perhaps apprehension?
or just apathy?
regardless, it's discouraging.

it's just kinda interesting to me how long it takes to truly find ourselves.
what we want in life.
what we want in relationships.
what we want out of ourselves.
and every time we happen to find a small piece, we wonder how we went so long not knowing about that important part of us.
i'm kind of addicted to that moment.
and those beautiful findings.