Saturday, November 12, 2011

some random thoughts/is this even a real post?

[gosh, i can't wait to get my eyebrows done. is that michelle or michael we're looking at?]

guess whaaaat, i'm not a robot. not that i thought you thought i was one, but that song's in my head like no other. go listen to "you are not a robot" by hoodie allen. you won't regret it. and go for a run for me too. i want all to know that i started packing [you'll understand why by the end of this] and my running shoes were literally the first to get in that suitcase. why go running when you could go croissanting and macaroning? those are the finer activities/sports in life, right? je pense que.

well, i'm forever behind in blogging. and it's killing my ocd like none other. also because i know i won't be caught up on this trip since things are just going to get busier from here. gahhh, and it makes me so mad. i dream of the day that i'll actually be able to blog about what goes on that day or even the day before and not freaking three weeks before. that's alright, all's well that ends well. [<--?? whatever.]

last last last tuesday was nothing special, but worth documenting bits and pieces of. i had class, both french classes. after my first class, i had an interview with daryl for my conversation class, which i was way stressed about. i just get stressed so easily, especially when speaking another language to someone i’ve never spoken to in that language [if that makes sense]. it ended up being fine.
[the bread is chewy and warm. just how i like it.]
 after, i picked up a petit pain avec poivre et poulet , which is a roll with bell peppers and chicken stuffed inside. and it’s magic. there’s so many different kinds of these rolls to choose from, so i always try to get a different one when i get one, but then i fall in love and want to just stick with it for forever.

during my french class, we learned some french culture, including information about a candy that is only french, which is called a carambar, which was basically like a tootsie roll, but it’s caramel. so yeah, basically not a tootsie roll. but they’re more similar than a dog is to a train, so there. annie hates it when i do that.
 [if you can understand french, don't laugh if what i wrote makes absolutely no sense at all. i'm a work in progress.]

after that, it was all rainy, so i decided to just go home after class. cold and wet is no fun when you’re walking around in paris.

also, i just want to add that around this time, i had the gaf [gaf=give a freak, don’t ask] attack of my life, because my computer cord decided to self-destruct on me, in the middle of the night, mind you, and literally catch on fire. i know! it probably was one of the freakier times of my life, because i had no idea how it happened and basically thought the devil was in my room possessing my computer cord. And i was pretty pissed because that meant i had to buy a new one, which=spending money on stupid electronic equipment that i dgaf [don’t give a freak…you’ll catch up] about instead of wonderful things like clothes, traveling, or trips to the cape [legally blonde].

another thing, and this one is going to be confusing because it didn't happen three weeks ago, it happened tonight, but i don't want to forget it. after me and tiffany got back from dinner with some friends, we came home and i started talking to our lady [i call our host mom "our lady" now. i guess i could also call her "notre dame" hahaha sorry, french joke. not funny for stupid americans.] and she started crying. the thing is, she's supposed to be moving to an apartment in versailles in a couple days and me and tiff were supposed to go with her, but it's not ready to live in yet, and we're supposed to be out of this apartment in a few days as well, so she's going to live with her sister and we're going to live with a different family for the rest of the study abroad. 

the thing is, i thought it wouldn't really mind parting from her earlier than expected, but she started crying tonight when we were talking about it, and hugging me and telling me that she really loved me, and i realized how much i'm going to miss being with her. it's crazy how much things have changed with her. i can still remember the first night, feeling so awkward and wanting to kill her for talking on and on for hours at dinner when i was exhausted and didn't understand a lick of french [haha a lick]. i never thought i'd get to the point of feeling like she was family, and certainly never thought she'd feel the same way about me. i'm really going to miss all the sweet things she does for me, like wash my laundry even when she's in the middle of moving, and always offer me dinner [even when she doesn't have to], giving me tips on how to perfect my french, and offering to let me come stay with her any time i come back to france. 

sure, there definitely are times when i want to rip her head off and chuck it across the room while she's talking/scolding at me endlessly in french for the stupidest things [and maybe one of these times was a few days ago], and sure, i hate how particular and nit-picky she is about everything, but despite all of that, i know she has good intentions and she's just trying to be a mom to me. i'm just really happy i got to meet her and get to know her, and glad i eventually got to a point where i don't mind all the hamburger patties she shoves down my throat, and i can understand a few words she says. brava, madame, brava!
alright, done with the cheesin'. for now.
[my mommy thinks i'm pretty.]


  1. Your sister thinks you're pretty too! Seriously, and I love your shirt. Get me one, ok? I should have sent you with some money to buy me clothes. Dang it.

    That bread thing pic is seriously deliscious looking. And I want to eat all of the candies and caramel things. And Im sorry that you are going to miss your hostess lady. Take a picture with her so you dont forget her, ok? Maybe the next person will clean their house though.

  2. I can't believe you have to move to a new family! That is crazy! And sad. Good luck, tell us more.

  3. This is soooo charmingly you!!! . . . "why go running when you could go croissanting and macaroning?" . . . . I miss you like crazy!!
