Sunday, November 6, 2011

pompidou makes for a good and awkward time.

[do not be alarmed, i am not really the size of king kong.]

last last monday, after sleeping in a little, going running [in my mind, of course], and getting some hw done, i met up with a few girls to go to the pompidou. if you all don’t remember, the pompidou is the modern art museum and it’s actually riiight by the lds institute where we have most of our classes, so it’s nice. i love that area because it has really cool shopping and food. maybe because it’s right in the middle of the gay/lesbian area of paris [supposedly], and there’s a lot of art students in the area as well. it’s just got such a fun vibe with all the street performers and chalk drawers and cool french graffiti on the walls. anyways, so we spent a couple hours inside the pompidou, playing on the interesting playground and seeing the different exhibits [both temporary and permanent].
 [the "playground". it was super weird, and i don't know if i would like it that much if i was a child. key word there is "if".]
 [remember that middle red booth section for later.]
[coooooool wall.]

 the temporary one we saw was by the artist with the last name of munch. munch. munch on that. 

i actually really enjoyed how he painted. his technique is kind of raw and choppy, and i just love art like that. the things he chose to paint were really interesting, as you can see.

the next ones are from the permanent exhibition. i really only took pictures of a few things because the exhibit itself was freakin' huge and so overwhelming to take it in. maybe because it's all so totally random and mixed up.

 [me in front of one of my favorite pieces in there. darnsies for the glare, but you can sort of see it. i don't know why, but i just loved it. the colors. the pretty flowers. how dark it seemed.]

 [this looked like a woman in a dress to me? i liked it.]
 ["ohhh why don't you just shoot me in the head? bang bang!"<--hook.]

[random african-ish pieces put together.]
i really enjoy looking at modern art, but not all at once. i think i would've liked it all more if i could've split it up into a couple days.
 oh my gosh, and then after all the exhibits, there was a talk. background information: i have a french conversation class where i'm supposed to complete specific conversations with real french people [not fake french people, if you were wondering]. anyways, one of them was to have a conversation with a museum worker about the museum, and since i had an interview with my teacher coming up, i wanted to get some conversations out of the way. 
yeah, so i had everything planned out that i was going to ask the worker, and figured i'd just go to the information desk aka that red booth thing you saw above since they basically do nothing there [except retain information]. long story short, it did not go over like the peaches and cream i thought it was gonna be. i definitely forgot what i wanted to say after "bonjour", and had to keep reminding the guy i could only speak in french. the whole thing turned into a frenglish hot mess. luckily, we both were able to laugh together about it [him more than me, and at me]. it was just weird because i'm so used to speaking to my french family/teachers and thinking i'm all good and not quick to get nervous, but that's because i'm comfortable  with them. 
even though it was pretty embarrassing and the guy gave me about a million pamphlets in english in case i didn't understand what he said to me [because i definitely didn't], it was a good experience and i'm glad he was able to verbally catch me after i jumped off the french language cliff of death.


  1. Look at you becoming all artsy-fartsy amd evaluating artistic styles. I definitely missed the "cultured boat" for that sort of stuff. I can imagine you trying to speak in French and laughing the entire time. It is so hard though...I mean I dont speak French at all but even just trying to speak Spanish to people is so tricky for me. I can understand most of it but then the words just dont come to me when I have to say them. Ok sorry for that whole explanation.

  2. I know it's absolutely terrible to say but I'm so excited for you to come home! I can't wait to see you again. I love you! Keep having lots of fun in Paris...and I'm still awaiting the delivery of your package...mostly because I'm still not there to get it

  3. so . . . I'm still waiting for the "middle red booth section" . . . ??!!
