[apparently big thunder mountain is just hil to the arious.]
oh my gosh, you don't know how excited i was to go. i hadn't really planned on going from the start, but when some girls voiced that they wanted to go around halloween and i remembered that it'd be decorated all halloween-y, i was pumped and ready to go. plus, i lived like less than an hour away from it all summer and never got to go, so i justified going. in paris. boom baby.
the morning started off super early, with me and tiff leaving and our lady giving us bread and a chocolate bar for breakfast. okay okay, i'll take it. seriously though, yesss.
another reason i was excited to go was because tiff had never ever been to disneyland, so i was excited to show her all around and show her the best rides. basically i treated her as my future child/ren.
we got there before it opened, and they let us into the park, but said the rides weren't open for another half hour for people who weren't staying at the disney hotel. one day, i will stay at the disney hotel. they get all the perks, plus they get to have breakfast/meals/sleep? with the characters, which i'm totally down for. anyways, we sweet-talked a worker into letting us get onto space mountain with the hotel-ers. gotta start off with space mountain! it was a blast. and it got us both pumped for the rest of the day.
we meant to meet up with the others that were coming, but couldn't find any of them, and frankly, we were happy on our own for the time being, so we just went from ride to ride, laughing and having fun. i made sure to take her on the buzz lightyear ride, the star tours one [loooove this one! i'm a nerd.], indiana jones [totally different than the california one, and was honestly a big let down], thunder mountain, the haunted mansion [they didn't even switch it to jack from "nightmare before christmas" like they did in california, boooooo], and pirates of the caribbean. they didn't have splash mountain [probably because it's so dang cold] or the matterhorn, which was kinda a bummer but we got over it.
the best part was that the longest we had to wait for a ride was probably 30 minutes, and that was once. most of them were about 10 minutes. you can't get that kinda crap in california! i loved it. except that did allow for more rides, which allowed for more dizziness para meesh.
[space mountain fun timez.]
[me and the tiffers on star tours.]
[the only "drop" on pirates of the caribbean. you better believe i was "yo-ho"-ing the whole time.]
[over-priced food that should really be free because of the taste=awesome.]
[the huge theater we sat and ate in as we watched chip and dale cartoons. loved it!]
[smiling with my hamburger. naturally.]

after we did basically everything we wanted at disneyland, we went over the other park [park hopper tickets=the only way to go. go big or go home. also, they were only 2 euro more than just disneyland, so why the heck not?]. we went on tower of terror [one of my favorites], some roller coaster inspired by aerosmith [what the random? basically, they blared rock music the whole time and you went a million miles an hour through all these disco lights. it. was. awwwesome :)], toy story land where we went on a car ride that was similar to the boat ride at castles and coasters that me and sam screamed our butts off ["we're gonna diiiiiie!!"] when we were little, and i gotta admit, it still was scary. it was there that we ran into some of the others [sam, hollie, maddie, courtney, and annie] and all went on crush's coaster together. i'd never been on that one before [do they have that at the california one?], but i really loved it. you basically get spun around and go all over the place, but it's actually fun. also, i came up with a pick-up line while we waited.
here goes: "are you australian? cuz i'd love to go down unda." if that doesn't work on you, i don't know what will.
we all ran back to disneyland after they closed the other disney park [at freaking 6 o'clock. yeah. probably the most lame thing ever.] to go on one last ride before they closed disneyland [at 7. I KNOW. in america, we like to keep our children up until midnight, thank you very much]. we all decided on big thunder mountain, because it was surprisingly the best ride there! even though it's really no big deal at the california one.
[hahaha this picture still kills me. here i am on big thunder mountain all by myself. "with my by myself".]
[me and hollie at the end of the day in front of the castle.]
i also managed to get some cute mickey socks that say "disneyland paris" on them. what can i say, i'm a sucker for random socks.
later that night, when me and tiff came home [but not before going to the casino and getting baguettes, apples, chocolate, and water of course], the internet wasn't working. at first, we were pissed, but then when our lady brought out her stash of friends episodes, we got over it and watched friends the rest of the night.
[so no one told you life was gonna be this way. your job's a joke, your broke, your love life's D.O.A. it's like your always stuck in second gear and when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your yearrrr. i'lll be there for youuuu when the rain starts to pour. i'll be there for youuu like i've been there before. i'll be there for youuu cuz you're there for me tooo da dada da da da da dadaaaa. yup, i'm a fan.]
[stupid bottled water that i thought was normal but turned out to be sparkling water, which i hate more than anything. it's like soda with no flavor. WHY?!? who even likes this crap!! seriously, it almost pisses me off as much as orangina, and don't even get me started on that shiz.]
[me and my bread that i may or may not have consumed most of. what's the big deal, i enjoy bread. so sue me.]
as you can see, it was a pretty bangin' day. i know i'm really gonna miss running around with all these girls the most when i go back to america. i don't even want to think about it right now. some say it's denial, others say "ehhhh shuuuut up". guess which one i say.