Thursday, June 7, 2012

it's a sad day when...

[bottom floor of the library power outage.]
you find yourself paying more attention to watching free willy 2 at work than reading julia child's life in france book. and you know all the words to the movie too. what can i say, i am one classy lady.

you spend some quality time watching the hills reruns. yes, i am on my way to getting my college degree and i still have a guilty pleasure with reality tv shows. can't win em' all.

you have to google things like "jedi restrictions" and "dark side clothing styles". yes, my group project in my writing class is making a website about why you should join the dark side. there are no words.

you are so tired in the morning only on account of the fact that you stayed up way too late pinteresting desserts and taunting yourself for hours, and continuing to mentally come up with the ultimate dessert to make on friday free day [cheat day]. seriously, i'm pathetic.

you eat more fruit than normal food in one day. let's just say it made things interesting.

you have nowhere to wear your new dress and are constantly tempted to just wear it around the house. i have problems.

you listen to all of lil mama's "lip gloss" song and don't want to scream by the end [seriously, that song is like five minutes long of her telling the world why her lip gloss is "poppin'"].

you have white dry shampoo in your hair because you are too lazy to shower. and you don't brush it out all the way before you go out in public. cool beans.

you can hardly walk up any stairs because you were stupid enough to wear a narrow pencil skirt to work. good thing i've got flights of them on my journey to and from to work [hey, at least it's not the pencil skirt/bike combination repeat of july 2011].

you're in the bottom floor of the library finishing a butt-long research paper when the lights goes out. is this normal? everyone continues to work, even the librarian stacking books, so you do too. then a teacher and students come through and the teacher calls YOU out for being so studious, even when the power goes out, and everybody laughs. hi, there are ten other people here too, make fun of them! in my defense, i was working on my laptop, not reading a book. i am cool.

your biggest problem of the morning is what side of your head should you part your hair on. my problems just put african children's problems to shame, apparently.

it's thirty minutes before class, hw isn't done, clothes aren't on, and food has not been eaten in too many hours. my life is under control.

[these may or may not all be applicable to me this week/right now.]


  1. Sad day. I'm sorry babe. That stinks. It sure was funny to read.

  2. Why is it that the bad days, you just can't help attracting wretchedness over and over again? So not a perk. I'm sorry too! It's almost the weekend though!

  3. doing a project about Star Wars...thats hilarious! Tell me that you have watched the movies at least once??

    And I dont understand why you got called out in the library for pretending like you were studying.

    And yes, you are hilarious. Im kind of jealous.

  4. And Im jealous that Franny and Jit read your blog and dont read mine.

  5. MICHELLE. MICHELLe. MICHELle.MICHElle.MICHelle.MIChelle.MIchelle. Michelle.michelle. :) I love you! And I miss you! And love you again!
