Tuesday, May 22, 2012

broccoli with cheese whiz.

just home for a lunch break in between school and work.
note to self: never ever ever buy the frozen broccoli with the cheese on it. it does not taste at all like the cauliflower with fancy cheese and breadcrumbs from the nordstrom blue stove restaurant. in fact, it tastes like broccoli with cheez whiz.
i am going to throw up.
good thing i've got a kickball game tonight [yeah, that's another thing. i'm on my work's inter mural kickball team. pause for uncontrollable laughter, snorting, and any other forms of surprise.] so i can run around with a broccoli cheese shake in my belly.
fun times to be had tonight!
i'm making this worse, aren't it?
oh well.

and now, in no particular order, the pictures from this past weekend on my idaho trip.
 [started the car ride up right with yummy gummy bears.]
 [brinn spending some quality time in walmart analyzing her feet.]
 [my best friend is married. ohhh happy day!]
 [too scared to talk to matt now that he's all married and stuff. this picture is tradition.]
 [the prettiest bride. EVER.]
 [seth is really excited he gets to come sit while we get manicures.]
 [pretty friends]

 [on da way to da reception]

 [court singing her heart out in the passenger seat]
 [long car rides turn me into michelle gas station snack hands. appreciate it.]
 [note: california usa nails IS in walmart. ohhhh idaho.]
[le pièce de résistance. she's gonna kill me, but this is my all time fav.]

i had the honor of going up to idaho falls and pocatello this weekend with brinn and courtney to meet up with ashley, caz, tracy, seth, and jamie to see our best friend onnie marry her long time best friend matt otterstein.
first off, they're the cutest couple ever.
made me want to get married the entire time, but what else is new when you slap michelle in the middle of a wedding day? [not a literal slap, a placement...keep up.]

i loved every minute of this past weekend, down to the scream-singing in the car with court and brinn [hey hey clarke, GOOD BYE.], eating pizza and brookies way too late at night, almost missing onnie coming out of the temple, eating at johnny carino's and being the annoying table yet again [my lemon pasta so did not taste like lemon...can i go back to italy yet?], getting manicures with all my girls and troncy's fiancé seth in between the temple and the reception to pass the time [there is nothing to do in idaho falls......at least not in a dress and heels], chugging diet cokes to decorate matt's van [yes, the van was the getaway car, let's not be so romantic now], and dancing it up at the reception to the cotton eyed joe and the cha cha slide [annie is notorious for off-the-hook dance music choices.............................]. 
oh, and finishing it up by driving home on sunday afternoon and laughing my butt off with "ba ba brinn sheep" and courtney "manicurewaring" as i became michelle gas station snack hands and screamed to music again.
and talked in way too many different accents.
i am my mother's daughter.

i love my friends too much and laughing with them about things that make no sense.
i've probably gained five pounds from slaughtering my diet.
and i definitely lost my voice from screaming all kinds of songs.
cool beans.
congrats to the lovely couple.

wish me luck with the kickball and stuff.


  1. Funny cute girl. I love reading your posts. They make my day. Hopefully you didn't puke will playing whatever sport that was. I wonder what that cheese is made of? It sure is hard to cook for one when you are single.

  2. literally dying laughing out loud at this whole post. in my bad. i take full blame for the cheeze whiz broc..... sorry. and i am going to kill you for all the bad pics you just posted of me. i loooove you michelle gas station snack hands :)
    -ba ba brinn sheep
