Saturday, December 3, 2011

cannes you get through this post?

[best picture of this post. sporadically taken, of course.]
at this moment, i'm stuck in a very ironic position.
not physically, like my body, although that is really funny.
the thing is, i have to pee. also, i'm freaking thirsty. 
and neither of them can be satisfied because a) i don't know where the bathroom is in my hostel/i'm too lazy and tired to go look, and b) the stupid bar downstairs charges 3 euros for a soda and i only have 2. and they don't accept cards. wtf stupid expensive hostel that i officially hate now?
whatever, i'll move on. there is a sink in the room. that could fulfill both needs. pretend you're not reading this.
also, tomorrow i leave to go home. as in to america. i know, i'm more than a month behind in my blogging. i officially fail. i'll get caught up real soon though. it'll happen. that's what i keep telling myself, at least.
 back to leaving, i still can't believe it. it's surreal. i feel like i'm just starting to understand the city and now i have to leave it. tonight, i went and visited the eiffel tower for the last time and almost cried. part of me is so ready to leave, because i really am exhausted, especially lately. my feet are the most deformed things since sliced bread from all the walking. and i know, poor me, living in paris, why am i wanting to leave? it's because every day, you have to be out and doing something because you don't want to waste your day sitting around [even though i've been so craving one of those days]. plus you're walking everywhere. plus that diminishing bank account takes a toll on your heart. plus you miss your loved ones more than anything. really though, there were so many times while i was here that i would think "man, so-and-so would die to see this". and i loved meeting all the new girls and getting to know them and having 24 new best friends, but i really miss the people that just know me. i'm just excited to go back. and guess what? my daddy's picking me up :] probably the best person ever to pick me up. i'm going to cry and drop my bags and run, just like in the movies.
i am really sad to leave though. i know in a few days, i'm gonna be thinking "where the heck are all the boulangeries?" and "wait, when did the beach replace the seine?" and "i have to drive instead of stand on a metro?" and "why am i eating eggs instead of a baguette and gelato?" and the list goes on and on. i know i'm going to regret ever wanting to leave. but i feel it. it's time to go. for now. i'll come back. but next time, with a loved one.

okay, october 25th. oh my gosh, it's all coming back to me. remember my unwanted boyfriend? yeah, he wanted to get together again with me on this day in between my classes before i left for cannes, france. why boy, why?? [what is his NAME?] i emailed him that morning saying that i couldn't hangout anymore because i was just too busy with errands and hw, which wasn't completely a lie. i did have stuff to do. but naturally, if i wanted to see him, i could've made it happen.
so, class happened. and life was good. me and tiff focused the whole time most of the time. i was happy. then, i looked out the window and what did i see? freaky, creepy stalker boy waiting outsiiide for me [you have to sing "waiting" really fast and then you can sing "outside" a little slower. what, you didn't know we were singing "popcorn popping on the apricot tree" on this blog post? now you do.]. yeah. he was outside. i literally almost fainted. luckily, tiff came to my rescue and told me to go hide in the closet. so i did. and she went out with the other girls and he happened to ask her where i was and she was like "oh, i think she left...i think she's going to cannes, so she has stuff to do..." and then he left. i still was super nervous that i was gonna run into him later on that day and have to explain myself because that always happens to me. the thing that i don't want to happen happens. 
still, i grabbed some food: 
 [always gotta eat, i'm not that insane. also, this is a part de tart aux pommes.]
and saw an interesting machine on the way:
[yep. this is a condom machine. out on the street. totally thought it was tampons and laughed my butt off when i saw it was for condoms. sick! because everybody just does it on the streets here.]
then, i skadaddled to my next class, which was french 201. my favorite. not. the only good thing that came from this class was that it rained harder than anything and produced a double rainbow all the way, which i gaffed about, of course. first-timer. and then me and brynn got to leave early so we could make our train.
here's our photoshoot, naturally:

 yes, it shows the whole night of us being happy at first and then getting crunk and drunk off our evians by the end. with a little will & kate magazine reading in the middle. always a good time.

when we arrived in cannes, our hotel was luckily just down the street from the train station. happy for that because it was way dark and a little sketch.
this is our cute room [brynn posing, of course]:

we stayed up for hours just talking about life and boys and school, whilst over-eating petit ecoliers [little cookies]. it was the best. next day was grasse!


  1. ooooh ooooh oooh...picm me to be the loved one that you come back to france with. pretty please!!!

    I aboust died with your story of stalker boy. What a freak! Especailly when you dogged his kiss the night before. Way to go Tiff for saving the day. Hopefully you didn't ever tell him that you will be going to BYU. I predict that he looks you up, comes to your apartment and tells you that he just knows that its meant to be, and he wants you to have his babies.

    Love the Paris France shirt! You are the cutest! We are all excited to see you too!

  2. i hope you brought me home a paris shoe t shirt.

  3. The sink thing made me bust up . . . the thing that is so refreshing about you is that you not only think it . . you say it!!! . . I love you.

    And, I cried a little too . . . I love being your daddy . . . who wouldn't . . I'm the luckiest daddy I've ever seen!!!
