Tuesday, October 11, 2011

if i only had a brain. preferably a french one.

[ohhhh yes i did. did it twice! okay, just once. i wish i did it twice.]

last tuesday was an okay day. just an okay day.
pas mal, which is what they say here. in france.

anyways, enough with being weird.
after my french 457 class, we decided to go try hure again. 
i know, i know, i preached about trying different places and not just going to the same ones all the time. 
but seriously, this place rocks. and it's not even expensive. and i just can't get enough. i want to buy the entire place every time i go. maybe i can try and get a job there and learn all their baking secrets and then quit and quit school while i'm at it and just bread and pastries all dang day even though i'd get so fat, but who cares, and i can just invest all my money in shoes instead of clothes.
anyways, enough with being weird.
even though there were so many choices, i finally decided on this petite jolie:
 [this was basically like a cinnamon roll, but with ham and cheese instead. i'm convinced that anything in a roll shape is divinely inspired, because this was the best dang thing i've ever eaten. or at least that day.]

oh yeah, and i got a cookie. the size of my head. i'm just going to pretend i've got the head of a troll doll.
[sable amande. this was like a butter shortbread-ish<--that's a word, don't worry...cookie, but with almonds on top. usually people overlook cookies like these because they're not smothered in marshmellows and chocolate chips and caramel<--oh daaaang it, hook me up.....but for some reason, i always find myself in the mood for them because they're more light. and i can convince myself that eating them does not =a moment on the lips is forever on the hips.]

also, please note that i'm wearing my cute sailor dress from the day before. yes, i couldn't wait to wear it and just had to wear it the next day. i'm like a kid on christmas with my shiny new bicicleta [good thing i'm in france and not spanish...nice going michelle.]. moving on...

after my not carb/sugar fest, we [me, sam, maddie, holly] decided to do a paris walks, even though i only had about an hour and a half before i was supposed to leave for french 201. dang all this dumb class that gets in the way of getting lost in paris! dang it all to heck. anyways, the walk was something about discovering the different layers of paris. like an onion. okay, that onion part wasn't in there, i just added it for effect. and shrek.

we stopped in notre dame for our first stop. it was my first time actually going inside [don't ask me why], so i was way excited. turns out its just another cathedral on the inside. who would've known? kidding, i did. it really was gorgeous in there.
[i wish this was my front door. actually no, that would make for some awkward goodbyes on dates....because i go on sooooo many.]
 [man, i love the back of this building. maybe just as much as the front of it.]

 [beautiful stained glass windows]

 [i love the colors in this painting on the wall]
[the cutest little old man with a frilly collar]

after notre dame, we went over to the krypts [is that how you spell it? at this point, i don't give a dang.] and looked around down there. i'm gonna be honest with you. yes, it was cool. but, at the same time, yes it was just a bunch of rocks. old rocks.
[do you see what i mean? i mean, i was okay with being down there because i didn't have to pay for it. but if i had pay for it.....you wouldn't want to be around me. i'd be throwing rocks everywhere in anger. and you better bet i wouldn't run out of them down in that dump. okay, i'm being rude now.]

after that, we walked over to the court house, which was absolutely gorgeous and fancy.
[yeah, mini-versailles that we've got goin' on here. besides that stupid van in the front. get outta the way bozo! i can just hear my daddy saying that.]

sadly, i didn't get to finish the walk [and have yet to], because i had to leave for my french class [which was i late to]. the funny thing about my french class is that i suck at it. okay, i don't suck. it's just that i work better if i have french every single day because then it's fresh in my mind. and yeah, you could argue that "well you live in france, so technically you have it every day" and some more smart alec comments and then i would proceed to slap your face off because it's not the same! bozo. but really though, it's hard only having it once a week for a couple hours. plus i'm not good at remembering things that i don't care about [whoops, totally care about french................]. it makes me laugh though, because i guess i've always got a confused look on my face or something because my teacher is literally always asking me if i understand, to which i say "oui" and then she asks me to give her an example, to which i am screwed, because no, i didn't actually fully understand, but i learned the hard way to not say that i don't get it, because then she proceeds to explain it all in french [hello, lady, obviously i didn't understand it the first time you told me in french. i'm not gonna understand it the second time!] and everyone around me just stares at me like i'm the stupidest girl in the world. sometimes people try and explain it to me in french as well [helllooooooooooo, i don't speak french people!] and even sometimes sing to me in french so i'll understand [don't even ask, i was most baffled by that one]. needless to say [i don't need to say], french 201 is an interesting one for michelle. interesting indeed. moving on from this novel now.......

after class, i went around to the courtyard of the university and drew for about an hour. i'm not kidding, i literally sat there for an hour, listening to my new favorite band "phoenix", which is, in fact, a french band, but has been known to me in america for quite some time [i bet you're liking how fancy i'm talking. i, for one, do not.] and drew. it was just one of those types of days, i guess. and a weird one at that.

after that, i walked around alittle by myself [score!] and looked at some shops, and then headed home. let me just say that i love love love walking around all by myself. there's just something about it that makes me feel awesome and grown-up and independent and cool and i love it. this place is definitely making me appreciate that more [not because of you, tiff].

later that night, we had dinner with madame percin.
 [yep, this is my dinner. i'm basically starved to death here. but before i complain anymore, how cute are these smiley face potato things! they're my new favorite thing, and score, apparently they're in america! the church is true! oh, and there's my raw hamburger pattie next to them. always a pleasure.]
[this is some wheat-ish cracker with serrano ham onto of it. serrano ham=disgusting. it basically tastes like proscuitto

my new favorite thing [if i haven't said it already, and no, it's not eating food] is taking random videos at dinner. so here you go. you're welcome.

yep, i still get spanish and french confused. ayyyyy chico. no wonder why my french teacher has a constant eye on me. she probably thinks i'm special. i'm going to start listening for the words "fille spéciale". that's when i'll know i'm truly under attack. until then......this girl is over and out!

also, be proud of me, i'm finished with my art history paper. that's a couple hours of my life i'll never be getting back.


  1. We went to this cool Basque restaurant for Malia's wedding with her in-laws and they gave those smiley face potato things to Malia's nephew. I wanted some so badly.

  2. YOur story about french class where everyone just keeps explaining things in french just cracks me up. It like "it doesn't matter how slow or empatic you say it, I still dont speak french and I cant understand a thing that you are saying." Funny. Also, remind me not to go into a rock underground tomb with you.

    Gorgeous pics!
