***cheesy post so don't read if you on a diiiet***
i'm grateful for solid sound friends. friends you always know you have and never have to question where you stand with! friends that, no matter how different your lives have become from what they were when you were first friends, can still manage to completely hone in on your current situation and simply relate to you. friends that will shoot you straight and tell you when you need to change, and do it from a place of genuine love. friends that just radiate support and openness with you, no matter what you're in the thick of (for the millionth time) or how long it's been since you had a heart to heart. friends that you can laugh at yourself with because you know they don't truly hold anything against you. friends that create an open space and meet you more than halfway emotionally when you're making yourself vulnerable to them. friends that don't butter you up but are giving and thoughtful. these are the people that, no matter if we're either laughing about the stupidest things or practically on the verge of straight up losing it at two in the morning, these are the ones that walk right through it with you somehow. and i'm just really grateful for that.