Wednesday, April 11, 2012

happiness testimony.

[it's noon and the lights are still off in my room. and i'm wearing yesterday's shirt and hair. rock on.]
the following post goes on to repeat the word "happy" and "love" about a bajillion times, and it's one of those "i love life" kinds, so if you hate life right now, don't read. 
you'll throw up.
cuz i is about to go on a happy rant right now.
you've been warned.

i just wanna say how happy i am right now.
there are a million and one things i should be doing and stressing about right now, but i don't even care about them.
i love my friends. all of them. more than anything. they bring out the best and the worst in me, and i just love it.
and i love my family! they are the best thing ever in my life, and just give me endless joy and smiles. 
i'm so grateful for them, it's not even funny.
i'm so happy that spring's here and summer's coming up. something about that sun just drives me wild and makes me happier than anything when i walk out the door.

i'm happy with where i'm at right now and who i am.
i can definitely say that there have been times in my life that i've been bitter or felt like i couldn't really be myself with people that i was supposed to be able to be free with. 
but i really feel now that i can be completely myself and be happy doing it, because i love who i am. 
i love seeing how the people in my life and the environments around me have added to me and changed me.
it makes me feel really good to feel like who i am right now is purely my soul leaping out all over the place.
i'm being me.
and the silly thing is it brings me so much joy being myself! it's one of the most rewarding things in my life.
and any of those who didn't accept me along the way or made me feel stupid for who i was only make me appreciate myself more for how i am now.

i don't really know if any of this makes complete sense. like i said, it's just a happiness rant where your heart is so happy and you've got a permanent smile [for the time being] and things are just nice. and i understand, i really should read up on the thesaurus every now and then to find a different word to describe happiness.
but hey, i threw a "joy" in there for you.
coulda used "happy".
just saying.

it's a really good life. 
and it's a great day [last day of school and i'm supposed to be working on a paper due in a matter of hours....whoops].
and i am one freaking happy girl.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

according to my iphone, and my life.

 [spring's here. finally.]
[love rocking out to this like i actually know the song.]
 [idaho breakfast.]
 [jcw's for the first time with mitch!]
 [bingo at applebee's with butters and some study abroad girls.]
 [troncy is by far my funniest friend. i will forever cherish this video.]
 [gotta take a picture of the parking so you know where how to find your car after you city creek it up.]
 [cpk pizza with trace, carly, and brinn=funniest night of my life.]

 [waiting for the light to turn green with daddy. what a kook.]
[mommy/favorite daughter pedicures.]

gosh, what a whirlwind of a week it's been.
seriously, i think i have whiplash from the ups and downs that have been thrown at me this week.
basically, boys and school are rotten. just don't get tangled up in them. 
they'll really try hard to take you down.

that's okay though.
a few more weeks and i can dgaf through life for like, four months, right?
besides taking spring classes [why am i doing this? somebody slap me back into reality.]
but i've decided i'm gonna do a retake of last summer.
okay, besides the fact that i won't have a beach steps away, my dream job, a hot gangster volleyball player man, or be living with my sisters.
i'm living with some best friends in a nice house [no more of this washer-in-the-kitchen-dirtiest-roommates-of-my-life crap],
utah's delicious in the summer [the trees, the, the boys],
i'll be working at a really nice job [good phone talks with interesting people],
running outside again [FINALLY],
eating healthy again.

for this summer, i have a few goals that i just want to put out into the world so i don't neglect [or run away from] them:
-teach myself the guitar [i've always wanted to learn. i'm doing it, just watch me.]
-run and do yoga multiple times a week [yoga! oh, how i've missed you and your leanness.]
-have some kind of tv/movie marathon [don't laugh, i live for these. it was star wars a few years ago, psych last summer, so it's gotta be something' bangin' this summer]
-speaking of bangin', get bangin'. as in my body. not the verb, you sickos.
-take trips [i'll be going to idaho twice, and arizona, but i definitely want to sneak off to california a few times, and hopefully south carolina for some time with my holts.]
-um, go on a cruise [$400 for 5 days of endless food, beaches, swimming, shows, and laziness? i'll do it.]
-explore provo [i know there's got to be crap i haven't seen before].
-eat at new places/restaurants.
-do a complete hair makeover. i know this one sounds stupid, but i haven't really ever changed my hair before besides cutting it, and i'm ready for it.
-convince my nephew max that i'm his favorite person EVER, and more importantly, my new niece claire that will be my new best friend all summer.

that's what i got so far. 
i know i'll be adding to it, but it makes me happy to have some ideas. i also love that it's already almost summer again! it's crazy how happy the sun makes me feel.
 i think i live and thrive off of it, so summers are my best times. and i feel really happy with how my life is right now, and how it's changing me, and i'm excited to see how this summer turns out and to be able to look back on how much i've grown.
it's gonna be big.

so here's to new beginnings, leafs, and any other cheesy sayings that equal fresh starts.
i'm so ready.