Sunday, February 26, 2012

no french-ing in here.

for your viewing pleasure:
[found this today and it absolutely rocks my world. i miss my sassy little she-she! "how many she-she's?" "2...1..." hahaha]

you know i'm in a frustrated mood when the internet connection is crappy and i realize i'm completely out of groceries and am forced to eat some of my pasta from italy with salt and pepper.
freakin' lame.
also, i woke up this morning with a sore throat, stuffy nose, and my body feeling like it was steam roller-ed.
fifty times.
this weekend=too much party rocking, not enough studying.
baaaad girl, michelle.
seriously, i have a test and two papers and reading due tomorrow.
and here i am blogging?
i've got my priorities straight, don't worry.

but happy news for alllll, my laptop got fixed.
FOR FREE [i love you, apple. always have, always will].
so we're gonna do a flashback today and do another europe post.
and by we, i mean me.
my brain totally sucks today.

also, i finally upgraded my mac to the "lion" software [smart guy at the apple store asked if i was using snow leopard or lion. wtf?? animals?? i thought we were talking about computers here. lemme just shift gears real quick....uhh ummm, so tigers huh? but seriously.] and i'm still getting used to the little perks aka why did i spend $30 on differences i cannot understand how to use?
i'm like one of those old people now that have to take computer classes [no offense mom].
somebody splain it to me.
although, one highlight is that i now have more options for my photo shoots with myself.
we all know what that means :]

girls just wanna have fun.

alright, now for the cream.
tuesday, november 1st.
it was a super bleak and rainy day in paris.
the girls were supposed to do a french photoshoot where we dressed up like typical french people with scarfs and berets.
but alas, it was too cloudy and rainy.
me, tiff, annie, and sam decided to go shopping instead.
actually, more like me and tiff because sam and annie ditched us in zara [i'll never forgive you guys. just kiiiding.].
anyways, i got a super cute gray shirt that had a sheer black backing, and a cream sweater with navy stripes that manages to look too big and too little all in one. 
maybe they were expensive. maybe they weren't.
but i found comfort in the fact that tiff basically bought the entire store haha.
after, we decided to get some food at this cute diner that we had walked by a few times by our lady's apartment called shwartz' deli.
honestly, it was super expensive for just being a burger and fries, but it was a burger and fries.
i know it sounds stupid that i craved this so much while being in paris.
but it just reminded me so much of home.
its kinda like those people that hold on to their baby blanket even until college.
it's dumb and it's weird, but they love it and need it.
okay, really bad metaphor. you get the point.

tiff had gone with sam the day before and they said it was AMAZING.
like, gourmet good. and huge. and they had root beer [RARE. i'm telling ya, those europeans do not like their root beer. and it's definitely something you start to crave and fantasize about...uhh, root beer float dreams? maybe.], so i was definitely in.
and disappointed, i was not.
 [main reason we got sucked inside: they have speculoos shakes. seriously, this is reeeaal life. also, just reading these words makes me want to go back to france sooo bad.]
 [my date.]
 [my cold one. brewsky, if you will. okay, but seriously, this thing was 3 euros. please don't do the math for how many american dollars that was. and if you do, just know it was worth every centime.]
 [okay, do you see those french fries? whoever created them is a genius, because they're shaped like little boats, or canoes if you will. perfect for pouring ketchup inside like a little hot dog. yesididthat.]
[medium rare spicy cheeseburger. i'm trying to think of a better burger that i've had, but i'm literally stumped. how sad that the french do everything better than us, including our food? also, i just remembered that it was so big that i couldn't even finish it. as in i left some on my plate. as in i'm wanting to fly to paris right now and dig through the trash to finish it. as in i'm pathetic.]

we went home and lounged on the couch as we skyped and blogged did homework, and then a couple hours later, madame percin brought us this:
[please ignore the fact that i look like a boy. uhhh umm, it was the lighting? the hoodlum looking hat?]

and disappointed, i was.
you can't really see what it is, but let me paint a pretty picture for you. oh and then after, i'll tell you what was on the plate [badumbumpshhh. too funny, michelle].
get this: day-old pizza [literally, from her son's halloween party], some random chicken filet thing, and grilled leeks. i don't know what madame percin has up her butt, but it sure is not a finer-cooking bug. that woman n'aime pas faire du cooking [she doesn't like to cook, you're welcome for the translation]. regardless, the food was fine, and was washed down with some chocolate pudding.
in all, a very non-french day.
ohh, the irony.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

too le-jit to quit...being my best friend fo' lyfe.

i know it's been a bit since i've written.
i'm sad to announce that i think my laptop has surfed the waves on the internet for the last time.
yeah, so right now, i'm blogging on a public school computer. look away from my computer, chinese boy.
look. away.
i can't be too sure, because i haven't taken it into the doctor yet, but according to my calculations (daddy), it's a goner.
everybody cry with me.
i reeeeaaally hope everything on there can be saved.
hello, all my pictures from europe?
those alone are worth it.
oh, and uhh, my photobooth pictures [always taken with other people, never just myself...........]?
still kicking myself for not sending my photo shoot to the coolest person in the world magazine just a week earlier.
now i'll never know.
okay, moving on.

last week, my wonderful and glorious sisters came into town!
ohhh man, if i didn't hate that week so much because of my tests, i would've loved that week.
but i still got to see them for some of the time they were here, and celebrate jit's [angelica's] 18th birthday with everybody.
lori and jit came up to run an errand for my dad, and maria and rick were in town for work.
i only got to see maria and rick for a bit on saturday before they left, but loved every minute of it.

we started the week off right by watching the bachelor with all the girls [brinn, tracy, carly, court] and jit and lori joined us.
 [as she says, i'd like to "rip off her head and verbally assault her."]
don't even get me started on how much i hate courtney [from the show].
chinese boy would report me to the honor code office with them hatin' words i've got.
 regardless, it was a really fun night, and a weekly ritual that has become a must for us.

then, come thursday, it was party time for jit.
[ain't she just a babe? can't contain hotness like that.]
i still can't believe this girl is 18.
at the same time, i wonder how she's not 25 yet.
the girl is so mature and so much more grown-up than i was at 18.
she'll probably dominate any state she moves to while i'm still doddling around in utah.
but i love her like crazy.
she's one of the only people that i can say whatever to, and laugh about everything with, and i know she won't judge me or talk behind my back ever.
she's my number one fan, and i'm her number .5 fan [meaning i'm more of her fan. it makes sense, just go with it].
 [i would like my public to know that it took at least fifteen minutes for me to rotate and edit this stupid picture on a PC. something that probably would've taken less than a minute with a mac. macs all the way, errry day. even more convinced of it now.]
we all got together [sam, me, jit, joe, lori, reese, lindsey, and max] and got some j-dawgs.
whoops, cheated on my diet.
oh well, you only live once. might as well gain a heart palpitation/obesity problem while i'm doing this "life" thing.

after, we went back to joe and lindsey's for dessert, which i partook of as well.
super proud of jit for not caving.
i send my condolences to her stomach though, because it was pretty ding-dang-dong gooood.

[who says you can't have two desserts? the one on the left is half a chocolate ice cream sandwich with cherry-chocolate ice cream inside. and the left are my mom's yummy brownies with vanilla bean ice cream. what? happy birthday to my tummy? yes. very much so.]

 ["she-she" crashed early. just doesn't have that party animal in her. yet.]
we also all went around and told stories about jit that we remembered.
i just remember how we would always fight and then stop when the other threatened to throw the other's water baby off the balcony.
or how we hated uncle david so much that we [and sam] tried to make a glue that was sticky so he would get stuck on the ground.
and i won't even start with the bathroom stories.
obviously my family was normal.

we ended the night by watching one of my favorites, one day, up at my mom's.
and topped the night off by sleeping on an air mattress that deflated during the night to turn my body into a banana [just picture it, you'll understand].

in other news, this is the highlight of my week:
[try not to judge the choices of my humor. or the fact that i was up laughing at this with tracy until after 3 in the morning. these are things i cannot control. but seriously though, who makes these??]
okay, enough of a study break, back to my eventful life.
obviously, eventful=studying/shdlahsld in this case.